Sacred reminders for courageous hearts

Navigate your empathy and sensitivity as well as life’s challenges and changes with compassion, grit and grace.

Knowledge, insights, tips, rituals, practices and inspiration to support and empower you

Healing, Change and transition Kym Wilson Healing, Change and transition Kym Wilson

Grief is not the price of love (written and video blog)

“Grief is the price of love” is a quote attributed to English psychiatrist Colin Murray Parkes and one that I often see shared on social media, usually by those who have lost someone they love and are in a long and deep grief process; it gives some solace, explanation and justification for the pain they are experiencing and it’s longevity.

However, this perspective offers a limited understanding of the complex nature of both grief and love. And it can cause you to diminish, invalidate or ignore grief that arises that isn’t associated with love. This disenfranchisement of grief can lead to loneliness and isolation and exacerbate the pain you are experiencing as well as the longevity of your grief.

Continue to blog to watch my Youtube video below or keep reading the written article….

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How to work through and transform inner resistance, procrastination or avoidance with compassion and sensitivity

Inner resistance is something that we can all struggle with... some of us more than others depending our life experiences and life myth. While it can keep you stuck, trapped, missing out on beneficial experiences and the good things in life and even get you into trouble at work when it shows up as avoidance and procrastination, it can also be a wise protector. The challenge is to meet your inner resistance in a way that you can understand what its deeper message is, so you can make aligned choices and respond instead of react.

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5 Steps to Get Out of a Rut

For several months now I have felt like I am in a liminal space, caught between old versions of who I was and who I am becoming but aren’t quite yet as old identities and ways of being release and new ones form.

In the last few days, I have experienced an incredible turnaround in an unexpected way.

It has been a welcome surprise and gift to return home and discover that I have been released from the rut I was in. I have more energy, drive and inspiration, as well as a renewed sense of meaning and vision. The pathlessness I had experienced for so long is finally starting to dissipate and open up. New opportunities and possibilities are starting to appear.

In this article I will give you the process that took place and explain how and why it helped.

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Safety and feeling safe, Healing Kym Wilson Safety and feeling safe, Healing Kym Wilson

Become a Safe Space to Process Your Emotions for Liberation and Wisdom

Sometimes when I’m working a big growth edge in my life, I wake up feeling fear and dread in my stomach, mostly fear. When I feel intense feelings that I don’t like my old pattern is to get rid of it by pushing it away, ignoring it or dissociating from it. This was how I survived some overwhelming felt experiences in my childhood.

The problem is that these strategies may bring some temporary relief but they aren’t very effective in the long-term. Resisting any unwanted feeling tends to amplify it and can lock it in, especially if the feeling is coming from a young part of you that needs your holding and care and another part of you is pushing it away. Trying to ignore it on the other hand can lead to reactive behavior or disconnecting from the body you are here to inhabit and fully live through.

In this article I will explain:

  1. the role your feelings play in your life and why they matter

  2. what you need to know about tending to your feelings (and what not to do)

  3. and how to become a safe space for you feelings so that you don’t get stuck in them and can discover the wisdom they may hold

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Healing Kym Wilson Healing Kym Wilson

What is healing (and what it’s not)

What does healing mean? As with many words in the English language, we give them different and multiple meanings so that not even different dictionaries define healing in exactly the same way.

In this article, I provide dictionary definitions of healing, the etymology of the word healing, describe what healing isn’t and give my definition of healing.

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Gayle L, Canberra

“I love receiving your Sacred Reminders ... they help us strive to be better, kinder and more loving, caring human beings. Thank you for reminding me to heal and to ponder on what gift I may have to offer the world.”