Free resource library

A collection of free meditations and tools to support you to:

  • Feel safe and build safety in your life.

  • Relieve anxiety, stress and overwhelm

  • Access deeper states of peace and wellbeing

  • Connect with and embody your soul

  • Access your own wisdom and insight

Guided healing meditations

Relieve stress and anxiety

Like a ship seeking sanctuary in a safe harbour from a storm, my Safe Harbour healing meditation will help you relieve stresses, anxiety, overwhelm and worries.

Experience wellbeing in your body and find safe harbour in your heart.

Woman with long hair with hands crossed over heart

Ease yourself through your freeze state or challenging emotional experience with radical self-compassion

Use this blend of self-compassion, Tara Brach’s mindfulness-based RAIN process and somatic touch to explore, tend to and presence your difficulty.

This beautiful process will help to nurture you through and out of a freeze state, big emotions or challenging experience.

Access a deep state of peace

Dive deep into the heart of the ocean to release fear, stress, anxiety and worries with my Heart of the Ocean healing meditation

Access a deep state of peace and inner insight to bring back into your everyday life.

Breathing yourself into safety

My favourite polyvagal exercises to help you regulate your nervous system and bring safety into your body

Heart & belly breathing

This simple breathing exercise can be done anywhere for as short as 1 minute.

It will help you access deeper states of well-being and relieve stress and anxiety.

The Basic Exercise

The Basic Exercise developed by Stanley Rosenberg is a breathing and eye movement exercise that will help your body relax more quickly after stressful experiences.

A game changer if you practice this exercise morning and night regularly.